Continued of Search

Reckuf sat in his room playing his pipes softly. His parents did not want him to be a Harper like his outcast of a brother, that would be torture to them. His brother was a traitor, or so his father had said. His father always had different veiws though, by means that when his brother would give something, like a loaf of bread or something in that area to the poor, his father would explode saying that they needed the marks. Though Reckuf's brother had also been a understanding and kind Harper apprentice with a bit of class. He knew the ways of trickery, and the news of gossip. But that was all until his brother had been driven to insanity by the girl he loved with all his heart, dieing from a sickness no one could cure. When his father had angered him, he went at him with a dagger, but his father had grabbed it and turned the dagger and stabbed his oldest son in the heart, which made him suffer, and soon die.

Becouse of that, Reckuf rarely practiced on the pipes, even though he loved music. The memories would flood back to him, and his family if they heard even the slightest of ny haunting tune. So, Reckuf stuck with playing happy and livily tunes like the one he was playing as of this moment.

His blonde-ish brown hair flipped at his ears becouse his mother wouldn't let him grow it long now. Well, not until the fifteen turn old was out of the house, and Reckuf hoped that Search-riders would come back to his small Hold again. He was too young the last time, and they had consitered him until they had found out his age. So, Reckuf was forced to wait.

His blue eyes concentrated on the holes he places his fingers on as he played a swift and happy tune. He had learned it from the Hold's Harper, who was still teaching him in secret. Reckuf enjoyed learning more than anyone in the Hold, or so he and his family thought. He loved to sit and listen to tales and stories of dragons, firelizards, Holds and Weyrs, which made his imagination run wild.

He was a tall young man of at least five foot, eleven inches in height. He had picked that trait up from his very tall, and muscular father. His mother had been a short and fat woman. And by means of fat, she was large. She had gotten that way from having so many children, and not getting out and doing things like she should have.

Reckuf looked at his little green firelizard, Skitty, who was chirping and cocking her head to the side. He had received her on the day of his birthing day, mainly becouse the eggs were hatching in the Hold's Kitchens and he had wanted one so bad. The little green was smaller than most greens her size, but she was just as quick and agile in air. She was a bit smarter than most though. But, Reckuf thought that as a trait of her being so small, she gained up size in her ability to become a bit smarter, or something of the sort.

Reckuf stood up and picked Skitty up and let her clamber up his arm and to his shoulder. He placed his pipe under his pillow so it would stay hidden from sight. His firelizard wrapped her tail around his neck loosely and gripped his dark blue tunic with her tiny claws tightly. She crooned and rubbed her head against his cheek affectionately and he scratched her eyeridges softly and carefully. She closed all three of her eyelids and crooned even more with content.

Reckuf smiled and said, "Hey little girl. You ready to eat?" He asked her and the green gave a definate chirp as if to say yes. She opened all three lids and her eyes were swirling a blue-ish green color. He smiled and walked out of his room and down a hall to the Kitchens. He smiled to a drudge and waved, and the girl waved back and carried on with her work. Reckuf grabbed a cup of klah and two meatrolls before sitting down in a chair at a table. He gave a piece off of one of the meatrolls to Skitty and began to eat the other himself. After the firelizard had finished that piece, she began to eat from the meatroll and he let her. He finished off his before she did hers, so he waited on his firelizard, who ate fast and finished within a few minutes. He removed the crumbs from his shoulder that the firelizard had let drop from the meatroll.
